Name | Title | Year of Ph.D. | University | Department |
Vicki Almstrum | Associate Professor | 1996 | Cornell | Unknown |
Lornezi Alvis | Associate Professor | 1996 | Cornell | CS |
Chandrajit Bajaj | Professor | 1984 | Cornell | CS |
Don Batory | Professor | 1980 | Toronto | CS |
Robert S. Boyer | Professor | 1971 | UT Austin | Unknown |
James C. Browne | Professor | 1960 | UT Austin | Unknown |
Doug Burger | Associate Professor | 1998 | Wisconsin | CS |
Alan K. Cline | Professor | 1970 | Michigan | Math |
William R. Cook | Assistant Professor | 1989 | Brown | CS |
Michael D. Dahlin | Associate Professor | 1995 | Berkeley | CS |
Inderjit S. Dhillon | Assistant Professor | 1997 | Berkeley | CS |
E. Allen Emerson | Professor | 1981 | Harvard | Applied Math |
Donald S. Fussell | Professor | 1980 | University of Texas at Dallas | CS |
Anna Gál | Associate Professor | 1995 | University of Chicago | CS |
Mohamed G. Gouda | Professor | 1977 | Waterloo | CS |
Warren A. Hunt Jr. | Professor | 1985 | UT Austin | Unknown |
Stephen W. Keckler | Associate Professor | 1998 | MIT | CS |
Adam Klivans | Assistant Professor | 2002 | MIT | Math |
Benjamin J. Kuipers | Professor | 1977 | MIT | Math |
Simon S. Lam | Professor | 1974 | UCLA | Engineering |
Vladimir Lifschitz | Professor | 1971 | Steklov Mathematical Institute | Math |
Calvin Lin | Associate Professor | 1992 | Washington | CSE |
William (Bill) Mark | Assistant Professor | 1999 | North Carolina | CS |
Kathryn S. McKinley | Associate Professor | 1992 | Rice | CS |
Risto Miikkulainen | Professor | 1990 | UCLA | CS |
Daniel P. Miranker | Associate Professor | 1986 | Columbia | Math |
Jayadev Misra | Professor | 1972 | Johns Hopkins | Unknown |
Aloysius K. Mok | Professor | 1983 | MIT | EE & CS |
Raymond J. Mooney | Professor | 1988 | UIUC | Computer Engineering |
J Strother Moore. | Professor and Chair | 1973 | Edinburgh | Computational Logic |
Gordon S. Novak Jr. | Professor | 1976 | UT Austin | CS |
C. Greg Plaxton | Professor | 1989 | Stanford | CS |
Bruce W. Porter | Professor | 1984 | UC Irvine | CS |
Lili Qiu | Assistant Professor | 2001 | Cornell | CS |
Vijaya Ramachandran | Professor | 1983 | Princeton | CS |
Vitaly Shmatikov | Assistant Professor | 2000 | Stanford | CS |
Peter Stone | Assistant Professor | 1998 | CMU | CS |
Robert A. van de Geijn | Professor | 1987 | Maryland | Applied Math |
Harrick M. Vin | Professor | 1993 | UCSD | CSE |
Tandy Warnow | Professor | 1991 | Berkeley | Math |
Emmett Witchel | Assistant Professor | 2004 | MIT | EE & CS |
Yin Zhang | Assistant Professor | 2001 | Cornell | CS |
David I. Zuckerman | Professor | 1991 | Berkeley | CS |